Thursday, August 30, 2007

Best Weekend Eva!

Last weekend the whole clan packed up for the wedding of our very best friends. We were so happy to be invited, and thrilled that we all could experience this special day together (i.e., that gia and psycho-baby were invited to what is usually a big-person event).

The wedding was perfection--the bride and groom were simply gorgeous, the flower girl and ring bearer were sweet beyond words, and it was honestly one of the most lovely events I have had the pleasure of attending.

All I can say is thank goodness Papa was on Michael-watch the entire weekend.

Without his efforts who knows what devastation that baby would have caused. As it was, the only rukus (sp?) that he caused was on the dance floor--I kid you not, the rugrat can bust a move.

Though after 8 or 10 shirley temples, all the kids were pretty much ripping it up on the dance floor.

Before they collapsed.

To complete the perfect weekend, we got to spend some quality beach time with our friends waaay out by P-town. I have never had so much fun on a beach (umm, post-children anyway). We caught fish, cooked hotdogs and didn't do too much else--which was fine by me!

Thank you to all our friends for a wonderful weekend!!

Yay! (sniff) it's the first day of kindergarten!

Yesterday was the start of a HUGE change in our lives--first day of kindergarten for Gia!

Did you know that to go to kindergarten, you need to have a humongous backpack?

So, I was fine until she got on the bus--when the doors shut. I cried. Then I called my friend Beth, and we both cried. Then, later, I called my friend Tam, and I cried some more. (I think that Beth later called Tam and they both cried). Many kleenexes later, Bill met Gia when she arrived home. He asked her if she liked school. After some thought, she said, I "whatever is more than love" school. :) I guess I can't ask for much more than that!

(p.s., she also said her favorite part was buying her own lunch!)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

bad blogger!

We have been sooo lax about posting this last month. Frankly, it's summer, it has been hot, and there was lots of ice cream we had to eat.
Anyway--here are some August highlights:

Gianna and Bill at the St. Joseph Festival in the North End.

Mike and some goats

Gianna at her first soccer practice (She is in all pink--how CUTE are those shingards?'s all about the outfit)

Mike and some more goats (different goats, different day)

Gianna doing karate at Old Sturbridge Village (FYI--when you are 5, it is totally appropriate to bust out your killer moves anywhere you feel like it--even in the face of glaring anachronisms)

Mike and...actually those are sheep. Nonetheless, we are worried about his obsession with farm animals.

Lots more stuff happened...stay tuned!